
PARIS. Academy of Sciences, August 10.—The president announced the death of Hugo Hildebrand Hildebrandsson, correspondent for the section of geography and navigation.—André Blondel. The determination of the coefficient of hysteresis by means of apparatus with a rotating magnet.—Ame Pictet, Werner Scherrer, and Louis Heifer: The presence of argon in living cells. The presence of argon in yeast and in sheep's brain has been proved: further experiments are in progress to determine the origin of this gas.—C. Gutton and E. Pierret: The perturbations at the extremities of a line which is the seat of stationary electromagnetic waves. From a study of the harmonics the perturbation at the extremities of a line can be determined, and a curve or a table constructed giving the value of the perturbation for different wavelengths.—A. Grumbach and S. Schlivitch: The variation of the surface tension of liquids under the influence of radiation. The ordinary method based on the rise of a liquid in a capillary tube is not sufficiently sensitive to show the effect of radiation. A new method is based on the fact that if a drop of liquid is introduced into a horizontal capillary tube, and the surface tension of one meniscus is altered, the drop will move in the direction where the surface tension is greatest. In the experiments described one meniscus was exposed to the light of a mercury lamp; water, alcohol, and xylene were not displaced, but motion was observed with several liquids, including ordinary petroleum, aqueous or alcoholic solutions of fluorescein.—H. André: Conductibility by metallic colloids and its electro-technical applications.—W. Kopaczewski: Turgoelectricity.—J. Bougault: An example of ether-oxide ketone hydrate. The benzyl-phenylethylsuccinic acids.—Louis Glangeaud: The existence of the Aptian in the coast region of the province of Algiers and on its tectonic signification.—V. Agafonoff and Mile. Malichef: The brick earth and ergeron of the plateau of Villejuif.—Mile. Aimee Camus: Hitchcockella, a new genus of Madagascan bamboo.—Charles Kayser, Mile. Eliane Le Breton, and Georges Schaefter: Magnitude of the respiration of the tissues and active mass in the course of the development of organisms. The elementary respiration of homologous tissues of different individuals of the same species is greater the younger the organisms.—J. G. Szuman: The structure of the membrane separating the white and the yolk of the egg. P. Petit: The liquefaction of starch paste. G. Guittonneau: The transformation of sulphur into sulphate by microbial association. The conversion of sulphur into sulphates is the work of two distinct races of organisms: one converts the sulphur into thio-sulphate, the other thiosulphate into sulphate.

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