
PARIS Academy of Sciences, July 30 (CM., 199, 329-392). GEORGES CLAUDE:—A floating Claude-Boucherot installation. D'ARSONVAL: A visit to the Tunisie. Remarks on the Claude-Boucheret installation for utilising the thermal energy of the sea. NATAN ARONSZAJN: Dirichlet's series with linearly independent exponents. EUGENE REMES: The effective calculation of Tchebitchef's polynomials of approximation. STEFAN BERGMANN: Integral and meromorph functions with two complex variables. GEORGES ALLARD: A general method of statistics applicable to indiscernible particles. A method for obtaining the law of statistical distribution of the molecules of a gas. This is an extension of Planck's method, ‘ and allows a closer analysis than the methods of Bose-Einstein and of Fermi-Dirac. PIERRE LEJAY: Gravity observations in Malaya, the Dutch Indies, Cambogia and Cochin China. Proof that work done with the Holweck-Lejay pendulum is in close agreement with that of Vening Meinesz. D. G. DER-VICHIAN: Polymorphism in the monomolecular layers of fatty acids at the surface of water. THEODORE KAHAN: The thermal variation of the structural demagnetising factor in nickel and cobalt. The existence of the structural demagnetising field in nickel and cobalt is confirmed by evidence of its thermal variation. The factor of this field decreases as the temperature rises. MORICE LETORT: The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of the vapour of acetaldehyde. The true order of the reaction, derived from the initial data, is 1-5: a higher value, approximately 2, results from the wall effect. WILFRIED HELLER: The coagulation of hydrophobe sols by freezing in relation with mechanical coagulation. ANDRE DE PASSILLE: Study of the dissociation of the ammonium phosphates. Data are given for the dissociation of (NH4)2HPO4 and anhydrous (NH4)3PO4. The study of the dissociation of the latter proves the existence of a compound (NH4)5H(PO4)2. RENE PERROTTE: Ricinic acid and 12-ketostearic acid. M. TIFFENEATJ and MLLE. B. TCHOUBAB: Transpositions in the cyclohexane series. The migratory aptitude of the migrating radical is influenced by its position in space. EDMOND URION: The oxidation of A-1-methylcyclohexene by selenious acid. GEORGES DUPONT and WITOLD ZACHAREWICZ: The cis and trans isomers of myrtanol. GEORGES MIGNONAC and ERWIN DITZ: The polymerisation of acetylene under the influence of heat. A yellow gaseous hydrocarbon, chlorene. The acetylene is passed in a rapid stream through a quartz tube at 750° C. and the products immediately cooled to +70° C. Two dimers of acetylene possessing the composition C4H4 were isolated, one of which possesses the remarkable property of being greenish yellow in the gaseous state: the name of chlorene has been given to it. JEAN HERBERT: Study of the corrosion figures of glass. The corrosion figures of glass change with the mode of attack, and have nothing in common with the figures formed when crystals are attacked by an appropriate reagent. The figures change with the concentration of the hydrofluoric acid used. G. DENIZOT: The structure of the Canary Islands considered in relation with the problem of Atlantis. The submersion of the Atlantic area was complete about the middle of the Tertiary period. Afterwards, the accumulation of volcanic products caused emergence from the sea at some points, and at times, relations with the African continent were possible. ANTONIN LANQUINE: Breaches of the Provengal chains at the borders of the northern and eastern Varois regions. R. FAIL-LETTAZ and R. BUREAU: The records of atmospherics at Tamanrasset (Hoggar) in the course of the Polar Year. F. RATHERY and P. M. DE TRAVERSE: Per-fusion of the intestine, and glycolysis. GEORGES BOURGUIGNON: Extemporaneous variations of the chronaxy under the influence of the pain caused by chronic rheumatism. ML ADEN PAIC: The rotatory dispersion of the sera of normal and syphilitic rabbits. The suggestion by Rondoni, that the rotatory power of the serum was of value in the diagnosis of syphilis could not be confirmed. MAURICE LEMOIGNE and ROBERT DESVEAUX: The origin of the nitrogen deficit in aerobic microbial cultures. The nitrogen deficiency is due to a transformation, probably an oxidation, of the ammonia arising from the decomposition of the proteins of the medium. HARRY PLOTZ: The filtrability of the tubercle bacillus. Utilising the method of electrophoresis, experiments are described proving that the tubercle bacillus can pass through the L2 Chamberland filter. This, in the author's opinion, is the true origin of what has been called the tuberculous ultra-virus. CHARLES SANNIE and JEAN VERNE: Study of the toxic action of cations on the cells of various organs cultivated in vitro.

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