
LONDON. Geological Society, Mar. 12.—R. W. Pocock: The age of the Midland basalts. Data bearing on the age of the various igneous masses in the Upper Carboniferous are brought together. The conclusion is reached that the Shropshire and South Staffordshire basalts are of the same general age: namely, Yorko-Staffordian, whether extrusive or intrusive. A volcanic belt is known to traverse the Midlands from Hanter and Stanner in Radnorshire to the Ashby Coalfield area. The main movement along this zone took place in Yorko-Staff or dian time, and the basaltic masses in question are, without exception, situated along it. Thomas Robertson: The origin of the Etruria Marl. The Etruria Marl Group of the Upper Coal Measures in the Midlands is mainly composed of chocolate-coloured to purple clay, mottled with green, yellow, etc., alternating with greenish sandstones (Espley Rock). In appearance and composition the Etruria marl strongly resembles the denudation-products of basalt and basic tuff, and further examination shows that it contains fragments of basalt; that its position in the geological sequence is the same as that of the Coal-Measure vulcanicity in the Midland Province; and that it is best developed in those portions of the basins of deposition towards which the denudation-products of the Midland basalts would flow.

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