
Conceptual bases were developed for socially oriented information technology based on integration of diversification and technological processes for creation of additional production and infrastructure facilities by means of stage-by-stage structural synthesis of processing and restoration of broken lands. The structure of conceptual bases is offered consisting of empirical prerequisites, principles, model of increase in level of ecological safety, indicators of assessment of requirements, results of realization and criteria of reliability. The principles are directed to prevention of ecological damage, full cycle of rational environmental management, coordination of interests of public authorities, investors, owners and society, integration of technologies of waste processing, land reclamation and creation of objects of social infrastructure. The conceptual model of increase in level of ecological safety reflects interaction of the main and auxiliary production of technogenic resources utilization and restoration of the broken territories with subsequent creation of infrastructure facilities. Results of realization of socially oriented information technology have the following characteristics: concreteness, interpretiability, checkability, reliability, completeness and consistency. In compliance with the offered tools, scenarios of increase in level of ecological safety of the city of Novokuznetsk have been developed for conditions of functioning of metallurgical plants producing materials from waste of metallurgical industry, materials for construction needs, construction bricks, additives to concrete and fertilizers for agriculture. Project scenarios till 2037 are described: economic effect; area of restored lands; volume of environmental pollution as a result of production activity; population of mining and metallurgical area with standard indicators; prevented pollution volume per capita. Construction of plant is planned from 2019 to 2020, with commissioning in 2021; stage-by-stage creation of social infrastructure objects is planned since 2033. As a result of modeling it was revealed as follows: annual growth of expected indicators of scenarios due to synthesis of stage-by-stage operations of waste processing, and restoration of broken lands, decrease in volume of environment pollution caused by commissioning of waste-free and low-waste productions.


  • Conceptual bases were developed for socially oriented information technology based on integration of diversification and technological processes for creation of additional production and infrastructure facilities by means of stage-by-stage structural synthesis of processing and restoration of broken lands

  • The structure of conceptual bases is offered consisting of empirical prerequisites, principles, model of increase in level of ecological safety, indicators of assessment of requirements, results of realization and criteria of reliability

  • The principles are directed to prevention of ecological damage, full cycle of rational environmental management, coordination of interests of public autho­ rities, investors, owners and society, integration of technologies of waste processing, land reclamation and creation of objects of social infrastructure

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Материалы и методы исследования

В этой связи предлагается концепция социально ориентированной информационной технологии повы-. No 1 0 шения уровня ЭБ посредством интеграции диверсификационных и технологических процессов, ориентированная на улучшение социально-экологической обстановки с созданием дополнительной продукции и объектов инфраструктуры путем поэтапного структурного синтеза процессов переработки отходов, высвобождения и восстановления земель для повышения качества жизни населения [15]. Концептуальная структура социально ориентированной информационной технологии повышения уровня ЭБ горно-металлургического района представлена на рис. 1. Концептуальная структура социально ориентированной информационной технологии повышения уровня ЭБ горно-металлургического района [15]. При строительстве объектов социальной инфраструктуры возможно использование отходов горнодобывающих, перерабатывающих и металлургических производств, в том числе вскрышных пород. 2 – интерпретируемость – наличие эмпирически интерпретируемых результатов реализации концепции и рекомендаций для повышения уровня ЭБ горно-металлургического района;. 4 – достоверность – система управления, комплекс показателей, организационно-технологический механизм и сценарии отражают изменение уровня ЭБ и социально-экономического потенциала горно-металлургического района;. 5 – полнота – охват всех процессов переработки отходов, рекультивации нарушенных земель и создания объектов инфраструктуры горно-металлургического района, влияющих на уровень его ЭБ;. Conceptual model of raising the level of ES (Ecological Safety) механизм управления ЭБ, сценарии) не противоречат и обуславливают друг друга

Результаты исследований
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