
This research examined for the first time how the “dark” tetrad (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, sadism, and grandiose narcissism) and adjunct dark trait vulnerable narcissism predict drive for social connectedness. Data were collected via an anonymous online survey (N = 395 adults) and analysed via multiple regression. As hypothesised, vulnerable narcissism was significantly and positively associated with a greater desire to experience social connection, but unexpectedly the same relationship was seen for grandiose narcissism. Also as hypothesised both psychopathy and sadism were significant negative predictors of the desire to experience social connectedness, however Machiavellianism failed to contribute significantly to the model. Findings indicate that both grandiose and vulnerable narcissists seek social connectedness, but likely as a means to gratify different needs (attention and contingent self-esteem, respectively).

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