
Socialization of the Role of Face-Based Communication in Improving Students at SDN Alalak Utara 3 in Banjarmasin. Effective communication is used by teachers and all existing teaching staff to provide direction to students to obey and implement the system of school regulations so that communication between students and teachers can be carried out through an effective face-based communication method in improving students at North Alalak Elementary School in Banjarmasin Therefore, as a community service team, lecturers from the economics faculty and the teaching and education faculty at Uniska Banjarmasin have carried out school outreach at SDN Alalak Utara 3 in Banjarmasin using several existing methods, namely a persuasive approach method, a comprehensive approach method for the school. and the method of providing motivation to students through behavior-oriented counseling guidance methods through competencies and indicators of competency achievement. The results of community service are: After carrying out community service it can be concluded as follows: The students in the AKM (Minimum Competition Assessment) class have experienced an increase of around 32%, where before socialization of class AKM was 35% and after socialization of class AKM was 37%, it can be concluded that the role of face-based communication is very effective in improving students at SDN Alalak Utara 3 Banjarmasin, especially providing positive things in improving the process of learning and teaching.

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