
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic that has occurred has affected the livestock sub-sector, which is one of the drivers in the economy. The material for socialization of livestock product processing technology was the manufacture of chicken meatballs with a variety of mixed ingredients such as sworded koro beans (Canavalia gladianta) and oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus sp). The activity was carried out in Bilebante Village which was carried out by a lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Science at UNW Mataram in collaboration with UD. Azhari. The use of koro flour based on the results of the study showed that there was a very significant difference in the nutritional value of chicken meatballs that had been mixed with koro flour at the level of confidence (P> 0.01). For example, at the 20% treatment level, the nutritional value of protein, crude fat and crude fiber increased from 9.65% to 11.19% for protein, 0.64% to 0.84% ​​crude fat and 0.08 % to 0.27% crude fiber (Ni Made Andry Kartika and Alimuddin 2020). Meanwhile, the addition of oyster mushrooms is useful in increasing the fiber value in processed chicken meatballs. the conclusion of PKM activities carried out by Lecturers of the Faculty of Animal Science, Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Administrative Sciences UNW together with UD. Azari in the village of Bilebante anatraa lian ; participants understand and are able to understand the material related to the socialization of livestock product processing technology as an alternative to improving the economy and public health during the pandemic. The addition of ingredients such as koro bean flour and oyster mushrooms was able to increase the nutritional value which is very good for the health and growth of children. In addition, with this socialization and hands-on practice, participants have other ideas that can be executed into a household-scale business

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