
Synopsis —The paper attempts to evaluate the role of the DFD (Women's Democratic League of Germany—the official and only women's organization in the G.D.R.) within the general context of the situation of women in the G.D.R. It therefore discusses the DFD's historical contribution to legislation and social measures in favour of women, the theoretical framework in which this occurred, and the somewhat paradoxical nature of the DFD's current role. Expanding these issues, the paper deals with the historical legacy of Marxist theory on the emancipation of women, and the isolation from Western feminist theory in which the G.D.R. in general, and the DFD in particular operate. Contradictions in the present situation of women in the G.D.R. are discussed as well as the tremendous gains in status and consciousness already made by women on the basis of the economic, social and legal provisions in their favour. Some causes for these contradictions are postulated. Examples of their expression through the media and in recent literature are given to exemplify both the extent of and the limits to the current discussion of feminist issues in the G.D.R.

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