
The purpose of the article is to study the current state, features, content, methods, and technologies of social work with the military and their families amid the current conflict in eastern Ukraine.
 In line with the activities of the Information and Social Center for IDPs of Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy of the Kharkiv Regional Council, the authors conducted a pilot focus group survey to determine the quality of social assistance to the servicemen and their families using a proprietary questionnaire “Assessing the quality of social service for the servicemen and their families members.”
 It has been found that social work with servicemen includes social protection, social support, social services, and adaptation work. The following major areas of social work with the military have been identified: social, socio-legal, socio-healthcare, socio-economic, financial, and socio-labour. However, it is necessary to develop socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, socio-informational areas that will ensure a person’s adaptation in society, personal growth, and self-improvement. Development and implementation of ways to promote public and professional awareness of servicemen's social problems and their families are also relevant in current conditions along with constant scientific and practical search, and effective assistance to this social group in solving their problems in practice.
 The article proves that the goals of current social work are to preserve the physical and mental strength of servicemen, adjust their attitudes, and enhance their development in society.
 The article outlines the need for enrichment methods and technologies (individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, counselling, and support) of social work with servicemen. It establishes that optimization of present-day technologies of social work with war veterans is possible under the following conditions: expansion of the range of services in the state network of social services, creation of alternative centres for social services; availability of social work professionals trained to work in the military environment and solve the problems of the military; organization of self-help and mutual assistance for the families of servicemen; formation of an effective social policy of the state in general and in the field of social protection of war veterans in Ukraine in particular.
 The article also includes practical recommendations for social workers on improving mechanisms of regulation of social protection for servicemen and families members.

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