
Social Impact : The social structure in India, under the onslaught of the globalization is crumbling yielding place to individualism, materialism and consumerism. The joint family system is almost a thing of past, replaced by the nuclear family. Growing literacy of women, women entering into employment market for, career and to support the family in these days of higher cost of living has created the need for and existence of double income families. Increasing consumerism has changed the value systems and home/social environment where, 'I, 'me' and 'myself' is becoming a new personal agenda and slogan. No one have time for the other. Higher competition has brought in growing insecurity and fast paced life. Increased working hours and materialistic life style has spurred emotional disconnect, bringing to centre stage emotional trauma, despair and helplessness. Atrocities on women are increasing, women is being comodified, crime rate is growing and mental health of the society is under severe threat. The divorce and suicide rates are growing and the society is becoming internally hollow in the midst of material surplus. India is going from one extreme of social security under socialistic philosophy to the other extreme social insecurity under the capitalism oriented globalized environment.

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