
The relevance of the topic of this research is related to the problems of ensuring the sustainable development of society and consists in the need to direct the directions and methods of social work to achieve transformational changes in the enterprises of the aviation industry. Social work at enterprises in the context of this study is expressed as the organization of social support and assistance in solving complex social and environmental problems, since the implementation of its directions, methods and technologies should ensure social influence and a transformational shift towards social changes and social justice. It is assumed that the transformative model of social work at enterprises should be based on an eco-social approach to the practice of social work at enterprises, which will ensure the meaningfulness of social work through the combination of its main directions: social partnership, social leadership, social responsibility. The work defines the main tasks of social work at enterprises of the aviation industry: improving the efficiency of social management; development of social activity and competence of managers at all levels; creation of conditions for the development of leadership and professional qualities, manifestation of the innovative potential of specialists; improvement of the general system of social adaptation and continuous professional growth of specialists in aviation enterprises.The emphasis is on the activation of social partnership as an important tool for aviation industry enterprises to ensure aviation safety culture. Attention is focused on the fact that the promotion of initiatives for the formation of a safety culture in aviation requires the creation of a certain joint infrastructure based on the basis of safe partnership interaction of institutions of the educational and social spheres, state institutions and self-government bodies, business structures, non-state public and charitable organizations. In the future, this becomes an important moment for the preparation of future social workers to work at enterprises, in particular for the organization and functioning of social services at enterprises of the aviation industry, which should contribute to the development of aviation safety culture by implementing innovative directions and methods of social work and education among employees of these enterprises . Key words: social work at enterprises, social innovations, innovations of social work, goals of sustainable development, social development, social potential of the enterprise.

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