
In this article, the authors structure and significantly expand the theory of the typology of creative practices. The authors offer two groups of grounds for constructing a typology of creativity. The first group is socialization. Under the socialization foundations of creativity, the authors understand a set of social factors that contribute to or hinder the process of socialization of an individual as a subject of creative practices. The authors talk about socialization factors that contribute to and hinder the realization of creative potential and, accordingly, introduce new concepts, such as socialization harmonious (laminar, favorable) and socialization conflict (turbulent, unfavorable) creativity. The authors also distinguish the second group of grounds for the typology of creativity, namely, the factors of the social and political environment external to the creative subject. So, two types of realization of creative potential are distinguished, the authors designate them as societally favorable and societally unfavorable. As a result, the authors propose a three-dimensional typology of social trajectories of subjects of creative potential — creative social trajectories. The authors also propose a classification of creative potential according to the parameters of profile — non-core. The profile creative potential of an individual or group social subject is understood as the potential realized in the field of the main profile of his professional activity. Accordingly, non-core potential is realized either in leisure practices or in professional practices that are not related to the main profile of the subject’s professional activity. Based on the criterion of the nature of innovation contained in a creative product, the authors introduce a typological division into conformal and non-conformal/radical creativity. The concept of individual and group creativity is also introduced, the concepts of individual and group creative potential are described as well.

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