
This study describes the social support network of older adults enrolled in the Open University for Senior Citizens at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 117 elderly or older adults, mostly female (78%), married (53%), retired (82%), and aged on average 65.32. Data collection tools included a questionnaire and a socio-demographic chart of the instrument called Map of Minimum Relationships of the Elderly. These data were entered into the Epidata version 3.1 and the SPSS 17.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Most participants had medium-sized support networks, characterized by 16.80 people who could assist them throughout the year with some of the listed activities (visits, keeping company, helping with household chores, personal care assistance, and financial aid). When the sample was stratified by age, it was found that older subjects had a smaller social network. Individuals in stable relationships had a greater social support network than did single individuals. The variables age and income were correlated with the size of the social support network. According to these correlations, the greater their age, the fewer the social interactions they enjoyed. Alternatively, the higher the family income of respondents, the greater the number of members in their social support network. The results suggest that social support networks shrink along the process of aging, although some variables such as income and marital status act as modulating factors, thus contributing to its continuation or to its steeper decline.

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