
This research aims to determine the implementation and achievements of social studies learning based on PBL in preventing bullying behavior at Junior High School 25 Tumijajar. The type of research used is case study research. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model. The informants in this research consisted of a Social Sciences Teacher, Principal, Deputy Head of Student Affairs, Guidance Counseling Teacher, Class Teacher, two student informants, two student victims and one student who was the perpetrator of bullying. The results of the research show that the core implementation of social studies learning based on PBL in preventing bullying behavior at Junior High School 25 Tumijajar begins with teacher activities orienting students to authentic problems in the form of bullying behavior that occurs around students, after that the teacher organizes students to study in groups, then the teacher guides Students in the process of solving problems and looking for alternative solutions are continued by guiding them in presenting the results of group discussions and evaluating the results of problem solving that have been taken. The achievement of social studies learning based on PBL in preventing bullying behavior at Junior High School 25 Tumijajar reached the very good at the third and fourth meetings which can be seen from students' behavior during the lesson and afterward. and outside the classroom who no longer show bullying behavior, whether verbal, relational or physical.

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