
Throughout life, animals engage in a variety of social interactions ranging from the affiliative mother-offspring interaction and juvenile play to aggressive conflict. Deprivation of the appropriate social interaction during early development is stressful and disrupts the development of appropriate social behaviors and emotional responses later in life. Additionally, agonistic encounters can induce stress responses in both dominant and subordinate individuals. This review focuses on the social stress that escalates aggressive behavior of animals and discusses the known neurobiological and physiological mechanisms underlying the link between social stress and aggression. Social instigation, a brief exposure to a rival without physical contact, induces aggressive arousal in dominant animals and escalates aggressive behaviors in the following agonistic encounter. Furthermore, the experience of winning an aggressive encounter is known to be as rewarding as addictive drugs, and the experience of repeatedly winning induces addiction-like behavioral and neurobiological changes and leads to abnormal aggressive behaviors. Social isolation stress in early development from neonatal to juvenile and adolescent periods also affects aggressive behavior, but these effects largely depend on the strain, sex, and species as well as the stage of development in which isolation stress is experienced. In conclusion, understanding neurobiological mechanisms underlying the link between social stress and aggression will provide an important insight for the development of more effective and tolerable treatments for maladaptive aggression in humans.

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