
 Fespy O. Toineno, S.Pd, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akhyar, M.Pd, Prof. Dr. Nunuk Suryani, M.Pd
 Email: 1 fespyoristo@yahoo.com, 2 makhaliya@yahoo.com, 3 nunuk_suryani_uns@yahoo.com
 History Education Postgraduate Program, Sebelas Maret State University Surakarta
 Social solidarity is the togetherness of individuals or groups that arise from moral feelings and shared beliefs that are reinforced by shared emotional experiences. Durkheim in Maliki said, there are two social solidarity namely mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity is an individual's awareness in carrying out social life based on the foundation of identity among its members. Whereas organic solidarity is an awareness developed on the basis of social cohesion through different solidarity models within the class of its members.
 This research uses descriptive qualitative method, research location in the city of Kupang. Data collection is done through library research, observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation techniques. The informants in this study were students of the State Senior High School in Kupang. Data analysis techniques used in this study were by means of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.
 The results showed that organic social solidarity was quite prominent in students. In the process of student social interaction, organic solidarity is more prominent. This is seen through one of the student activities in the learning process such as the division of study groups. The behavior of choosing friends according to liking, emotional closeness is very prominent. While the division of student roles is going well, but individuality or competition in groups and competition with other groups of students is inevitable.
 Keywords: Solidarity, Social, Students, Schools


  • Social solidarity is the togetherness of individuals or groups that arise from moral feelings and shared beliefs that are reinforced by shared emotional experiences

  • Social Solidarity Among High School Students in Kupang City Social solidarity is "solidarity that refers to a state of relationship between individuals and / or groups based on moral feelings and shared beliefs reinforced by shared emotional experiences

  • In a society that adheres to mechanical solidarity, the priority is the equality of behavior and attitude

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Social solidarity is the togetherness of individuals or groups that arise from moral feelings and shared beliefs that are reinforced by shared emotional experiences. In the process of student social interaction, organic solidarity is more prominent. This is seen through one of the student activities in the learning process such as the division of study groups. A person as an individual in the social environment can change the surrounding community, Proven that humans can spark a new idea for a gradual change which is known as a social process or the process of forming a society. Solidarity is very important because it greatly influences social change, which includes the attitude of everyone and the conditions of an environment dominated by differences. This difference causes social solidarity to disappear from generation to generation. The important role of solidarity can be measured by its success if solidarity can create unity and equality of struggle in society

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