
We report the synthesis of molecular prime and composite knots by social self-sorting of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide (pdc) ligands of differing topicity and stereochemistry. Upon mixing achiral monotopic and ditopic pdc-ligand strands in a 1:1:1 ratio with Lu(III), a well-defined heteromeric complex featuring one of each ligand strand and the metal ion is selectively formed. Introducing point-chiral centers into the ligands leads to single-sense helical stereochemistry of the resulting coordination complex. Covalent capture of the entangled structure by ring-closing olefin metathesis then gives a socially self-sorted trefoil knot of single topological handedness. In a related manner, a heteromeric molecular granny knot (a six-crossing composite knot featuring two trefoil tangles of the same handedness) was assembled from social self-sorting of ditopic and tetratopic multi-pdc strands. A molecular square knot (a six-crossing composite knot of two trefoil tangles of opposite handedness) was assembled by social self-sorting of a ditopic pdc strand with four (S)-centers and a tetratopic strand with two (S)- and six (R)-centers. Each of the entangled structures was characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The precise control of composition and topological chirality through social self-sorting enables the rapid assembly of well-defined sequences of entanglements for molecular knots.

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