
1. One of our present-day problems is the.problem of personality disintegration, and three social causes of resulting in such a problem have been indicated. They are : a) Incongruent principles of behavior expectation between the primary and secondory groups ; b) Incompatible social expectations imposed upon the individual through his multi-group membership ; c) Multiple role expectations imposed upon one social status. The main concern of this paper is to introduce the problems of role conflict which contemporary Protestant parish ministers in the United States are confronting and required to solve them, by refering to the research materials collected by S. W.Blizzard. 2. From a theoretical point of view, the following three aspects have been discussed in order to conceptualize the problem of role conflict. 1) Under what conditions role conflict will take place ; this aspect makes clear the concept of role conflict ; 2) What factors are relevant to variations and intensity of role conflict ; 3) With what methods the individual tends to adjust, internally and externally, to role conflict. As to the first aspect, three types of role conflict have been classified : a) Self-role conflict, which emerges when role expectations are not reconciled with the structure of self, because of the mechanism of self-defense ; b) Role-role conflict, which takes place when the contents of more than two roles are incompatible between each other ; c) the third rype of role conflict occurs when the means for role performance become competitive and makes it difficult to distribute them properly to each role. For the second aspect, both personal and situational factors must be identified. Such factors as differences in self as a cognitive structure, personality type and personal competence may be important as a personal factor. The important situational factors which introduce variations in role conflct are role definition, group norms and group structure Whether role difinition in clear-cut or ambiguous, social sanctions are permissive or strict, group structure : in bureaucratic or informal, etc. As a mechanism of adjustment to conflicting situations, such psychological methods as rationalization, projection, isolation and so on may be mentioned. But, generally, they may be grouped into the following three : 1) negative adjustment (withdrawal); 2) positive adjustment ; 3) a compromised method, say, compartmentalization. Principle of hierarchization and segregation has been pointed out by J. Toby. 3. The main findings of Blizzard's research may be summarized as follows. Contemporary Protestant parish ministers are functionally playing six major practitioner roles : 1) Administrator role, 2) Organizer role, 3) Pastor role, 4) Preacher role, 5) Priest role, 6) Teacher role.The dilemma was found in the discrepance between two hierarchial orders of these six roles : the functional priority order and normative priority order. (S. W. Blizzard, “The Minister's Dilemma”). This is to say that ministers are forced to spend much of their time doing those things they feel are least important and which they are least motivated to do. Blizzard pointed out also several themes of related conflict : 1) A need for acquiring adequate emotional maturity and self-understanding ; 2) Being a man of belief and a saint is often challenged and jeopardized when the minister expresses ethical judgement as a prophet ; 3) Incongruent expectation being a man of action and a scholar of religion, a contemplative role ; 4) Discrepancies between the general practitioner expectation of the parishioner and the success image of denominational advancement which emphasizes a spicified roles ; and conflict between the obligations to family and obligations to job.

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