
Islam has been concerned with guiding man to what brings him comfortable living in this worldly life and winning the approval of his Lord in the hereafter, by performing his role in this life, as the interest, happiness and dignity of man is linked to the responsibility of seeking to establish God's justice and the values ​​of revelation in the universe. Social responsibility is the basis that a person must be fully aware of, so he must be aware of the factors that help him to advance them in the best way, and also be aware of the factors that distract him from working with them. The first generation comprehended the calls of responsibility, held them and acted upon them, thus constructing a civilization that people testify to their superiority. As for the long term for those who inherited the Qur’an and moved away from its approach, they lost their effectiveness, and their condition deteriorated. One of the most prominent diseases suffered by Muslims, individuals and groups - far from the guidance of revelation - their disavowal of their responsibilities, which made them lag behind the ride of civilization, so they needed to reactivate them, by enlightening them and reminding them of the factors that push them to fulfill their responsibilities in order to be free from backwardness and impotence, proceeding in the performance of their mission Entrusted to them, namely, the succession of the land and building civilization. Therefore, it is not better than referring to the divine revelation and the prophetic guidance to identify the reality of responsibility and activate the human being through both sides of consciousness and action. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, activated these two aspects - awareness and action - in his honorable companions, may God be pleased with them all, and they excelled in bearing this trust, and they gave us the most wonderful examples of bearing responsibility towards their Creator, the Almighty, and their Prophet (), themselves and the entire society. Hence, these principles motivated me to write a paper in the statement of the theory of social responsibility, indicating the vision and originality of Islam, citing what came from an honorable prophet's guidance to young people to correct their behavior and morals and fortify their minds and ideas to be bearers of responsibility in all its forms. As for the contemporary vision of the concept of social responsibility, it was confined to the date of the emergence of this theory with a brief mention of it in proportion to this research (). I have made the title of my research in this regard (social responsibility between the Islamic vision and the contemporary vision - the youth as a model).

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