
Long-termed intersexual friendly relationships between males and females of the Brauner’s lizard are characterized by high levels of spatial association and high frequency of affiliative behavior between partners (see report 1). In present article we consider changes in the frequency of affiliative behavior in males (Am) and females (Af) after the first appearance of female on the male’s territory and conditions for the transition of lizard to stable residency (SR). Generally, Am becomes stable during the first days of initial period and does not change later. This fact suggests that in most instances male’s choice criteria are some peculiarities of the female’s exterior. In the initial period, Af is always low, however, gradually rises to the level of Am if Am is high. The main condition of female’s SR is high Am of the owner of the territory where female establishes her comfort areas. Hence, social partner choice in female is based on male’s behavior, and high Am triggers the formation of friendly interrelations. Significant correlation between social and sexual interrelations is absent. As can be judged by female’s reactions to male’s sexual behavior, his sexual activity is rather a factor of social disintegration. Structure of costs for social partner search is different in males and females, and these differences well harmonize with differences in gender strategies of partner choice. The social strategies are well interpreted in terms of the optimal foraging theory.

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