
The paper addresses the effects of social relations on cooperation (or collusion) in organizations and communities. and production relations are modeled as separate repeated strategic interactions. Linking them--by employing members of the same community or by encouraging social interaction between employees--is shown to facilitate cooperation in production: (a) because of available Social Capital, the slack of net expected gains from cooperation in the social relations which can be credibly transferred to discipline behavior in the workplace; (b) because payoffs from the social and production relations tend to be substitutes, in which case the linkage of more relations endogenously generates (a sort of increasing returns in cooperation); (c) because the linkage generates transfers of trust, reputation spillovers from a cooperative social background to newly started production relations; and (d) because agents who share social relations have access to additional information about each other's situations. The model provides a microfoundation for Putnam's concept of Social Capital and for Granovetter's idea of embeddedness for the employment relation. It shows that Kandel and Lazear's peer pressures are a credible effort-enforcing mechanism even when teams' members are fully self-interested, and that the threat of social sanctions can credibly enforce social norms independent of agents' moral constraints (that is, no second-order free rider problem exists). It provides an explanation for Japanese firms' investments in employees' free-time activities, for the Grameen Bank's requirement that group members belong to the same village and participate in social activities, for the ambiguous empirical results on the effectiveness of group-incentives, for markets' tendency to crowd out cooperative institutions, and for the sudden breakdown in trust and cooperation observed in communities after a war ends and peace is established.

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