
Though Ghana has made impressive strides in terms of economic growth, poverty reduction and democratic governance, there remains a substantial percentage of the population that still lives in poverty and are vulnerable to a range of economic, social, lifecycle and environmental shocks and risks. Therefore, Ghana rolled out a number of social protection interventions under the National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS) to mitigate the impact of extreme poor and vulnerabilities in society, especially among vulnerable children.The main objective of the study was to examine social protection and children vulnerability in Ghana by employing both qualitative and quantitative methods in achieving the objectives of the study in the Jirapa and Wa Municipalities of the Upper West Region of Ghana. Secondary literature and primary data were combined.The methods for data collection were questionnaire and interviews to generate information from government departments and institutions providing social protectionist services.Results suggest that there is increasing levels of vulnerability and orphanhood in children in the region. However, SP has some improvement in bene?ciaries household food consumption, income levels, saving levels, access to healthcare, and school attendance. However, there are institutional challenges that affect the implementation of the SP programme.The study concludes that SP programme contributed to poverty reduction as it enhanced bene?ciaries’ living conditions. It is therefore recommended that the Department of Social Welfare (DSW) be strengthened to properly target the real vulnerable children and households in their registration.

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