
Education is currently one of the most popular services provided by both the state and private individuals. Moreover, school education is directly related both to the student himself and to the student's family as a whole. The family becomes a kind of controller of the quality of educational services, but gradually the education system is commercialized, which is why it is changing. The problem of social practices of parents' participation in school life finally identified itself after 2012, since the adoption of the new law on education, when parents became full-fledged subjects of school management at the legislative level along with the school administration, moreover, the powers of each component became clearly spelled out. It turned out that the schools of Barnaul are open enough for communication, parents evaluate the interaction with the school in a positive way and believe that all the issues and problems they address to the school are solved immediately or almost immediately. As for intra-family interaction, parents devote two or more hours to their children on weekdays. The time that parents can devote to their children directly depends on the work schedule. Parents help elementary school students with homework to a greater extent, participation in high school is minimal. Based on the above questions, it can be concluded that parents are sufficiently involved in the child's life and constantly keep in touch with them, so they can respond to difficulties that arise in the child at school. The most popular ways for parents to interact with the school are parent meetings and online communication.

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