
The article of research is totality of organizationally-economic relations thatarise up in the process of forming of social politics and providing of financialsafety of man in the system of national economic security. the aim of the articleconsists in the analysis of basic problems, contradictions that arise up in the processof realization of complex of events in relation to forming of effective social politicsin the system of strengthening of financial safety of Ukraine. research methodologyconsists in the use of totality of methods : dialectical, analytical, comparative. Themarked methodological approach allowed to analyse theoretical and methodological,and practical aspects forming of social politics, that is represented in works ofhome and foreign scientists and to define their connection and influence on thesystem of financial safety of man in Ukraine. the scientific novelty of the got results consists in complex illumination of the generalized going near determinationof priorities of social politics in the system of strengthening of financial safety ofman in Ukraine. Done scientific conclusions in relation to character, features ofthe state of realization of social politics and ground of necessity and expediencyof further study of her influence on strengthening of financial safety of man inUkraine. conclusions. In the article there are the lighted up questions of necessityof scientific comprehension and practical decision of the problems related to theimprovement of social politics, determinations of their priorities in the system ofstrengthening of financial safety of man in Ukraine. Taking into account thatpresently there is determination of list of national economic interests importantscientific and practical tasks, providing of realization of that straight depends onthe state of safety of different constituents of the financial system of Ukraine, tothe improvement of social politics the center of that are a man and his necessities,it is necessary to spare the special attention.

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