
The developed system of family support in France is the result of long-term evolution, during which were introduced and improved various instruments of public, social, including family policy.Analysis of source material confirms that family policy in France from its beginning had a «paternalistic» character, it was aimed at stimulating the birth rate.According to research, the first program of supporting motherhood and childhood was developed in 1866 and was spreaded among civil servants – financial workers, teachers and others.In the 30s (1932, 1938 and 1939) some laws were passed including the Law of 29.07.1939, entitled «Family Code», in which were laid the foundations and principles of the modern system of family support in France. World War II prevented the realization of principles of «Family Code», only laws in 1946 concretized its provisions: there was introduced support for mothers-house-wives; support for families with one working person; maternity support; new scale of adding family support to monthly basic salary.Reforms of family support 1972 – 1978 were accompanied by the introduction of measures to improve the situation of certain categories of families: In 1971 there was introduced aid to orphans (which was later turned into a help to a guardian or a breadwinner); 1975 – support for special education of children with disabilities; 1976 support for single parents.In 1980 – 1990ʼs in France there was passed a massive program to increase social, including family care, in result of which in the 1980 – 1983 part of family support in GDP increased to 3.06 percent. However, worsening of economic situation did not allow to realize planned and forced to significantly reduce social program.Thus, in the mentioned reforms there is a decreasing tendency of pronatalist character and strengthening their social orientation. This is reflected in the changes of demographic area, the role of family, values of modern society.One of the main directions of state family policy in France was support for mothers and children. Among its events: passage and improvement of legislation on providing maternity leave and protection of the rights of working mothers. Since January 1, 2004 in France, was formed a system of family support that included various forms of support at birth, adoption and child care.Much attention was paid to preschool education in France. In November 2006 the French government passed a plan «Young children» the aim was to provide all children with the places in preschool by 2011.Thus, the developed system of social support for motherhood and childhood in France is the result of long-term evolution, which was reflected a set of national, economic, political, socio-cultural and socio-psychological characteristics and conditions. The policy of social support has a global character and includes activities of legislative support for motherhood and childhood and providing the optimal combination of employment of women and motherhood, provide financial assistance in the form of various types of family aids and services in the health sector, organizing teaching on training and education of children.

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