
Contents: Introduction: addressing social protection and policy in Greece, Maria Petmesidou and Elias Mossialos. Part I An Overview of the Social Policy Context and Major Developments: Tracking social protection: origins, path peculiarity, impasses and prospects, Maria Petmesidou The politics of welfare reform: social policy and policy arenas (1981-2001), Dionissis N. Gravaris The virtual reality of welfare reform, Dimitris Venieris. Part II Issues of Redistribution, Inequality and Poverty: The structure of household income and the distributional impact of income taxes and social security contributions, Christos Papatheodorou Inequality and poverty in the last quarter of the 20th century, Panos Tsakloglou and Theodoros Mitrakos. Part III Main Areas of Social Policy: Muddling through: the trials and tribulations of social security, Manos Matsaganis Facing up to the Gordian Knot: the political economy of pension reform, Kevin Featherstone and Platon Tinios Employment policy in the 'European Employment Strategy' era: what prospects?, Seraphim Seferiades Support for the unemployed in a familistic welfare regime, Theodoros Papadopoulos Gender equality and employment policy, Maria Karamessini Family policies from a gender perspective, Konstantina Davaki Financing and delivering health care, Konstantina Davaki and Elias Mossialos Social care services: 'catching up' amidst high fragmentation and poor initiatives for change, Maria Petmesidou Migration and policy trends, Jennifer Cavounidis Welfare management and social exclusion: the issue of immigration, lordanis Psimmenos Greek welfare reform in a European context, Peter Taylor-Gooby Index.

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