
The ideas put forward in the socio-philosophical and spiritual-moral views of the famous 16th-century encyclopaedic scholar Isomiddin Ahmad Tashkprizade are still relevant today. His ideas are flooded with humanism, and the human factor comes first. Tashkent's ideas about justice, science, enlightenment, occupation and education can contribute to the spiritual and moral development of the society even in the context of its independence. The article provides more details. In the capital Tashkent, the importance of wisdom, or philosophy, is explained by a hadith: “A person's learning a word from wisdom is better for him than the world and all its factors. According to the scholar, there is no difference between secular and religious sciences, because they complement each other. During her teaching experience at Tashkent Bridge, she teaches to the students of madrassa the sources related to the science of kalam, fiqh, jurisprudence, interpretation and hadith. In 1545, Ahmad was appointed to Bursa as governor of Tashproizo and served as a lecturer at the Sahn madrassahs until 1547. Only people with intelligence and understanding can understand this level. What is the highest and most important task of acquiring knowledge is to take precedence over prophethood and to the level of martyrdom. A person must realize how great and superior his knowledge is. Such social, ethical, philosophical and natural-scientific views of Tashkentproduct have had a profound impact not only on the development of their time, but also on the scientific thinking of the later Eastern scholars. The variety of his creations has been the subject of repeated appeal to him for many years.

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