
Introduction. The need to form responsibility as a personality trait that ensures personal growth and development of each person is currently considered as a condition for adaptation to the modern world. The problem of responsibility in relation to the category of at-risk adolescents is characterized by the importance of the formation of social-personal responsibility as a generalizing characteristic of volitional behavior, synthesizing and including manifestations of various volitional, moral-volitional and moral qualities of an individual. The purpose of the article is to study the main components of social-personal responsibility as the basis for the formation of at-risk adolescents as a subject of self-development, the conditions for the formation of personal responsibility in the specified category of adolescents. Materials and methods. The study was carried out in seven (7) educational institutions in the city of Tula and the Tula region (Russian Federation) among 13-14-year-old adolescents (n=103, of which 16 were attributed to the risk group). The diagnostic program included the following methods for the study of responsibility, coping strategies, self-esteem, self-control in communication among the subjects. Methods of mathematical statistics: G-test, Pearson's chi-squared test. Research results. It was revealed that in at-risk adolescents, the identified components of social-personal responsibility (cognitive, emotional, volitional, behavioral ones) are weak links that negatively affect the course of their subjective-personal development, distorting the directions of self-development at this age, leading them onto the deviant development path. At the control stage of the experiment, differences were revealed in all indicators of the studied variables for each component. The number of at-risk adolescents with low indicators of responsibility, communicative control, willpower, with pronounced maladjustment has decreased, the number of students with adequate self-esteem has increased. The least significant shifts occurred in the behavioral component. According to the “School of Responsibility” methodology, the value of the χ2 criterion is 4.952; “Diagnostics of general self-esteem” by G.N. Kazantseva (χ2 = 3.256); “Assessment of self-control in communication” (χ2 = 4.91); “Self-assessment of willpower” (χ2 = 0.686); “Coping strategies” (χ2 = 3.841). The relationship between the factorial and effective traits is statistically insignificant, the level of significance is p> 0.05. This indicates the need to continue working with the identified at-risk adolescents. Conclusion. A set of psychological-pedagogical tools for the formation of social-personal responsibility in at-risk adolescents should include as follows: individual and group consultations, interactive seminars, master classes, quests, discussions, classes with training elements, project activities, role-playing games, training lessons.

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