
Although the hippocampus is crucial for social memory, how social sensory information is combined with contextual information to form episodic social memories remains unknown. Here, we investigated the mechanisms for social sensory information processing using two-photon calcium imaging from hippocampal CA2 pyramidal neurons (PNs)-which are crucial for social memory-in awake head-fixed mice exposed to social and non-social odors. We found that CA2 PNs represent social odors of individual conspecifics and that these representations are refined during associative social odor-reward learning to enhance the discrimination of rewarded compared with unrewarded odors. Moreover, the structure of the CA2 PN population activity enables CA2 to generalize along categories of rewarded versus unrewarded and social versus non-social odor stimuli. Finally, we found that CA2 is important for learning social but not non-social odor-reward associations. These properties of CA2 odor representations provide a likely substrate for the encoding of episodic social memory.

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