
Social networks management has undergone a remarkable evolution, becoming a fundamental element in the way people connect and make decisions online. In the current era, social networks have become essential meeting spaces, where both brands and individuals interact, collaborate and share experiences. It is for this reason that the main objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the management of social networks and the new millennial digital consumer in the district of Huancavelica, year 2020. In addition, it seeks to know if there is a relationship between the dimensions internet, media social, users and content, and the variable new millennial digital consumer. The study is of a basic type with a correlational level, with a non-experimental design that used probabilistic and stratified sampling. The population was made up of 15,998 millennials (people born between 1980 and 2000) from the Huancavelica district for the year 2020, the sample was 376 millennials and the data collection was carried out through a survey validated by three experts in the field and Its reliability was measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, giving 0.831. The results obtained revealed a Rho Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.554, with a p-value of 0.00, indicating a considerable positive relationship between social networks management and the new millennial digital consumer. Demonstrating that, by carrying out more effective management of social networks, the evolution of the millennial digital consumer is promoted.

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