
Social networking has drawn a great interest. It is a web-based service that allows users to interact individually or per groups. Therefore, it facilitates social relations and learning between users and institutions that share common interest. On the other hand, we witness a widespread access to information and communications technology (ICT) by young people which facilitates their engagement in social networking. Therefore, social networking should be viewed within a context related to the effects on the life of young people today. Young Jordanians in the 18 to 24 age groups enjoy widespread access to ICT, and their accessibility has been steadily increasing over the past years. Therefore, this paper examines the engagement of Jordanian youth in higher education with social networks. It considers how properties unique to such mediated environments affect the ways in which youth interact and learn. This paper aims to identify ways in which social networks can be used creatively in the community. In order to reach this goal, we present detailed results for a survey conducted using Facebook community.

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