
It has been commonly agreed that social networks is an educational tool related to interests and needs of a modern student. We may use it as a connector between participants of educational process: teachers may reach their students outside limited classroom activity and motivate them to further study in a non-formal atmosphere.
 The article discusses possibilities of using social networks (Facebook) and digital applications (like, Viber) to develop grammar competence of students through blogging, texting, posting. Having organized a small focus group, we were able to: define functions and skills which are required when you enter networks for educational purposes; understand the drawbacks of using social networks and describe the support expected from a teacher; advise on the pace and tasks used in virtual classes. Dynamics of cosmopolitan societies demand knowledge of international communicative ethics which, due to IT progress, is required during e-mailing, on-line discussions and meetings, participation in distant conferences. Modern student is a researcher who can do both – collect and share information with the outer world.
 There’s also much space for personal development: students learn to promote their skills, communicate in virtual profession-oriented environment, form cross-cultural verbal literacy, improve soft skills and interpersonal cooperation, analyze and correct own grammar mistakes as well as accumulate experience of other group members. Knowing the methodology of up-to-date practices, teacher can motivate to educative on-line communication: writing blogs, posting on latest events, commenting to daily tasks in viber-community. Active learning demonstrates results of study immediately – staying verbally active 24/7, students see the perspective of own future mobility.
 We have concluded that there’s an urge necessity for professional upgrade of teachers, as using social networks for specific educative purposes demands personal mobility, compute proficiency, readiness to work outside formal classroom, responsibility for creation of informal study material and content choice, psychological competence, people skills.
 Key words: social networks, mobility, modern educational tool, digital competence, blogging, virtual class.


  • Modern educational needs have been defined by demands and practical interests of those who consider education as a tool for achieving specified goals – professional and personal

  • Having organized a small focus group, we were able to: define functions and skills which are required when you enter networks for educational purposes; understand the drawbacks of using social networks and describe the support expected from a teacher; advise on the pace and tasks used in virtual classes

  • During study there may happen some misunderstandings among participants, as being active on-line student demonstrates his/her skills to the whole group – creation of a positive, tolerant atmosphere is under teacher‘s responsibility, some know better than the others – so, competition is always there, and causes student‘s insecurities and doubts; creative mind is another challenge, especially for those who were seldom asked to use it at classes; comparison of own knowledge with the others‘ may provoke despair and apathy which should be overcome with the help of a teacher; find a way to make learning meaningful – personally relevant or relatable. Blogging is another great study opportunity for students, it opens up talents to the world, they may write about things they like: music, films, relations, technologies, cookery, learning, business, money matters etc

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Формування граматичної компетентності з іноземної мови відноситься до найскладніших аспектів навчання, проте використання сучасних інтернет-платформ прискорює цей процес та мотивує до самостійного самовдосконалення – студент розуміє де і як йому доведеться проявити іншомовну граматичну компетентність в майбутньому. Потенційні можливості, доступні сучасному викладачеві іноземної мови, значно прискорюють процес навчання та підвищують його ефективність. Доступність інформаційних платформ відкриває можливості до групового та самостійного навчання, проте з координуванням та рекомендаціями від викладача: чим молодший студент – тим активнішої підтримки потребує; студентам, які продовжують навчання після довгої перерви, потрібне додаткове консультування щодо використання інтернет-технологій у навчанні. Організувавши фокус-групу, ми отримали можливість: визначити функції та навички необхідні викладачу під час використання соціальних мереж в освітніх цілях; зрозуміти потенційні помилки та охарактеризувати підтримку, яку очікують від педагога у віртуальному навчальному середовищі; рекомендувати педагогічний темп та завдання, які використовують у віртуальних аудиторіях. Ключові слова: соціальні мережі, мобільність, сучасний навчальний метод, цифрова компетентність, блог, віртуальний клас

Journal of English
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