
for many users nowadays social media plays a big role in their world, as it helps to connect with new people while keeping the old bonds intact. The drawback is that we can’t able to see that, the data is being generated every minute of a second and that data is kept secure in the hands of a few tech giants, who are using it and selling it as they see fit and using it in a manner as they see profitable and with this paper I’d like to propose that shifting social media from host-centric to the information-centric network on the blockchain would not only be safer yet convenient and secured.In peer-to-peer system, cryptocurrency is used to pay for and secure content acquisition.The blockchain lets individuals acquire ownership over their Data, Property and Assets. In social networking, a decentralised approach to blockchain technology protects privacy and allows for e-commerce, ledger based crowd funding, smart apps, and smart contracts. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and other digital social network media platforms offer free for all access, which is convenient in the name of connecting and socialising but they are collecting are data and using it to sell it to other third party buyers for the price of our privacySome of the most important difficulties confronting social media network business period, profit is focused on advertising and analytics. False propaganda based information on (Facebook), rampant bullying and harassment (Twitter), single party controlled censorship, and demonetization are some of the most serious issues facing social networking (YouTube).

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