
There are currently more than 10.000 cryptocurrencies available to buy from the online market, with a vast range of prices for each coin it sells. The fluctuation of each coin is affected by any social events or by several important companies or people behind it. The aim of this research is to compare three cryptocurrencies, which are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Coin, using Social Network Analysis (SNA) by visualizing them using Business Intelligence (BI Dashboard). This study uses the SNA parameters of degree, diameter, modularity, centrality, and path length for each network and its actors and their actual market price by crawling(data collecting process) from Twitter as one of the social media platforms. From the research conducted, the popularity of cryptocurrencies is affected by their market price and the activeness of their actors on social media. These results are important because they could help in the decision-making to buy cryptocurrencies with high popularity on social media because they tend to retain their value over time and could benefit from price spikes from influential people. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-02-09 Full Text: PDF

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