
The youth-driven liberation struggle in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) goes beyond the armed insurrection. The non-violent technique uses social media to expose and denounce Indian armed forces brutality and human rights violations, including systematic torture, rape, extrajudicial killings, and prisoner mistreatment. The victims' stories have been widely shared on social media. The next phase of the liberation movement began in 2016 after the Indian military forces killed Burhan Muzaffar Wani. Wani, a young leader and freedom fighter, used social media to mobilize the youth of Kashmir for the cause. Modern communication platforms like social media ensure the Kashmiri people's story about their struggle for liberation from Indian occupation and worldwide persecution is spread. The IHK liberation movement is examined using social movement framing analysis in this research. It seeks to understand how activists reinvent the movement through international protests. The activists are reiterating the global relevance of modern human rights mobilizations.

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