
In this rapidly changing advents of science and technology, Social Media has captured and ensnared young and old, rich and poor, male and female, east and west across the globe. Social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Skype, YouTube are gaining popularity with pace of time and due to their attractive features the youth of today is fascinated towards them. On the contrary, the seamy side of social media consistently inflicting its adverse effect, the youth tends to distract themselves from their study, profession, remain aloof from physical social interaction from parents, relatives, nears and dears, ignored significant social events in their lives and sometimes fell prey to mischievous activities also. Scholars have explored that with the advent of technology and augmented sphere of internet services of search engine such as Google or DuckDuckGo, the human interaction has acquired a new domain of virtual dimension of networking systems prevalent across the globe. The present generation ambivalently sharing the same snare of social net working conundrum which is completely immersed in limbo or touching the apex of desire of learning as trio Satya Nadella(CEO of Microsoft),Shiva Nadar or Sunder Pichai (CEO of Google &Alphabet) et al.

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