
The total population of social media users has been increasing due to several factors like increased broadband availability, the improvement of software tools, and the development of more powerful computers and mobile devices; social factors such as the increased affordability of computers and software's, and growing commercial interest in social media sites. Understanding these changes in technology, most of the organization started to rebrand themselves by focusing on building interactive relationship with customer by participating in multiple social media channel. Companies are using different Social media marketing strategies to make their customer engaged. Social Media Marketing Strategy (SMMS) is a set of actions by which a company or organization expects to achieve its marketing objectives and meet the requirements of its target market through the use of social media tools and properties. The objective of this paper is to identify the prospective customer for clients based on level of interest exhibited in survey. Further, to analyze the clients social media pages for understanding the best time for posting content and to enhance brand reach and awareness by adopting social media strategies. The Study depends on Primary and Secondary data collection. Primary data are collected through questionnaire. Non-probability Snowball sampling method is used for identifying the respondents. Secondary data are collected from social media website. In this paper two types of strategies are used to enhance brand awareness namely Email Strategy and Content Strategy. As a result was able to understand that in Facebook the images, videos, GIF files will have more reach than articles and to enhance brand reach and awareness consistent and continues effort should be taken for engaging the customers.

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