
It can be claimed that the concept of brand loyalty has a deeply rooted history similar to that of civilizations. How changes that are experienced in every area in the world reflect on the brand loyalty and consumer concepts is remarkable. Brand loyalty in brand-consumer communication seems to be a two-way communication process and frequently applied in traditional media platforms. Alongside this communication platform, especially due to the developments in the field of internet, it can be said that brands are also involved in this process as well as personal use. In this new communication platform characterized by social media platforms, it can be said that the customer brand relationship has gained a different dimension, and that brands’ keeping up working on brand loyalty in the social media platforms is not a luxury but a necessity. It is seen that the adaptation of luxury brands, which is a type of brand classification, to this new communication platform is up and coming, though a bit tardy. It is worth noting that luxury brand communication has moved from traditional media to the social media platform and brand loyalty activities are carried out there as well. This research was conducted in order to determine brand communication behaviors used by luxury brand users in social media platforms and brand loyalty variables. Brand loyalty determiners in social media platforms and the assessments of the brand’s users during this process have been tried to be determined. At this point, a survey is conducted aiming the users of luxury brands which are listed in the report that ranks all the luxury product groups throughout the world, but at the same time which also have an official social media application in Turkey.

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