
Two years after the first case was detected, Indonesia is still dealing with the spread of COVID-19. Because of a lack of individual compliance to health protocols, it is becoming increasingly difficult to control. Individual compliance is influenced by several factors, the most common of which is a lack of knowledge about health protocol. This program aims to enhance millennials' knowledge of COVID-19 and encourage them to comply with the health protocol. This program was attended by 44 millennials from RT.11/RW.6, Sunter Agung, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, the province with the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. Millennials were selected because they are more likely to have asymptomatic COVID-19. This virtual training includes sharing sessions, questions and answers, and role-playing. To evaluate the difference in personal knowledge before and after the training, all participants must complete the health protocol questionnaire, previously distributed via a Google form, before and after the training. Following the training, millennial knowledge and compliance rose, according to the evaluation.


  • Indonesia is still dealing with the spread of COVID-19

  • Individual compliance is influenced by several factors

  • common of which is a lack of knowledge about health protocol

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Istilah social marketing pertama sekali diperkenalkan oleh Kotler dan Zaltman (1971) melalui artikelnya yang berjudul “An Approach to Planned Social Change”. Tujuan social marketing adalah mendorong terjadinya perubahan sosial di dalam masyarakat melalui perubahan perilaku individu (Hastings & McDermont, 2006). Dengan menggunakan prinsip bauran pemasaran yang diadopsi dari marketing komersial, social marketer mempromosikan perilaku yang disarankan (suggested behaviour) dan manfaat sosial (social benefit) yang akan diperoleh individu yang patuh mengadopsi perilaku baru tersebut. Merujuk pada pemahaman teoritis tentang social marketing di atas, cara terbaik untuk mengendalikan penyebaran COVID-19 adalah dengan meningkatkan tingkat pemahaman individu terhadap protokol kesehatan melalui kegiatansocial marketing campaign (SMC) Kegiatan dilakukan dengan melibatkan pemerintah, organisasi swasta dan kelompok masyarakat untuk lingkungan di sekitarnya. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut, pelaksana bersama mahasiswa Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (UTA’45) Jakarta tertarik untuk melakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan mengangkat tema Social Marketing Campaign : Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman dan Kepatuhan Milenial Terhadap Protokol Kesehatan

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