
In the article, as part of the improvement of social technologies in law enforcement, the mechanism of digital interaction between the penal enforcement system (hereinafter, the UIS) and the internal affairs bodies (hereinafter, the ATS) in the conditions of a modern network society and the expected transition of the domestic economy to its digital model is described. The purpose of the article is to study the organizational, managerial and technological capabilities between the services and divisions of the UIS and the Department of Internal Affairs for the detection, prevention and suppression of offenses by those sentenced to criminal penalties without isolation from society, the establishment of official and functional powers of employees of the criminal executive inspections of the UIS and the police of the Department of Internal Affairs. The objectives of the work are to determine the role of interaction between the services and divisions of the UIS and the ATS, to eliminate functional contradictions in order to improve supervision and control over registered persons and the organization of digital management to ensure security and law and order in the municipal and regional territory they serve. The article is prepared on the basis of an analysis of the norms of law, departmental normative legal acts, law enforcement and law enforcement practice of law enforcement agencies based on the provisions of the theory of social management, cybernetics, information analysis, digital information, the latest achievements in the field of interdisciplinary scientific research. The study uses general scientific and special legal means and methods of cognition that ensure the complexity of the organizational and legal study of the system of joint law enforcement activities. The novelty of the work is predetermined by the hypothesis about the network structure of society adopted as a basis. The relevance of the work is due to the course proposed by the President of Russia to build a digital economic system – as an urgent need to maintain the competitiveness of the domestic economy among the major economies of the global world order. In this regard, the developed mechanism of digital interaction of the studied bodies is an integral part of the digital economy, which in turn determines the mechanism for improving social technologies of public administration in the law enforcement sphere.

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