
Community-based Environmental Education is recognized as a powerful tool for contributing the solution of socio-environmental problems in the coastal zones. Participatory processes in coastal communities such as exchange of knowledge and networks are very relevant to resolve conflicts and harmonize the relationship between society and nature. The purpose of this study was to use the social networks for the development of community-based environmental education processes in a small coastal community from the central-southern region of Cuba. Surveys and interviews techniques, as well as, environmental diagnoses were implemented in the community. In addition, an environmental education program was established with children of the elementary school. UCINET software data analysis revealed the elements (nodes or keystone bridging agents) relationship with the social network of“Castillo de Jagua” community, which showed a picture or map of individuals and institutions/organizations interactions in this community. Educational activities carried out with children of elementary school were effective to promote environmental education and participatory processes in the community.

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