
Student youth are potential future parents, which is why the problem of the conditions of partnership interaction among adolescents as participants in the process of educational reform is becoming more relevant and practical. Defining the conditions for partnerships, establishing partnerships with young people as participants in the reform process will lead to effective implementation of educational innovations. Social intelligence is an essential intellectual ability that acts as the cognitive basis of communicative competence and determines social adaptation, communication effectiveness, ability to understand and adequately evaluate other people and themselves and their actions, actions towards others, ability to predict different behaviours, intentions, feelings and emotional states of a person by verbal and non-verbal expression. In order to study the psychological features of social intelligence of the individual, attitude to reform in the field of general secondary education, we used the following psychodiagnostic methods: 1) the technique of research of social intelligence of J. Guilford (in the adaptation of A.S. Mikhailova); 2) a special variant of the semantic differential technique for studying the psychological elasticity of the individual (S.L. Kravchuk); 3) the test of the viability of S. Maddy (in an adaptation by D.O. Leontiev and O.I. Rasskazova); 4) author's research questionnaire aimed at the study of subjective attitudes towards educational innovations; 5) general self-efficacy scale (Schwartz Ralph, Matthias Jerusalem). In our empirical study, 106 adolescents participated. It has been found that young people with a strong and active attitude towards educational innovations are more likely to believe in the effectiveness of their actions; think optimistically about their achievements; create optimistic scenarios, compared to adolescents, who are characterized by an active negative attitude to educational innovation.


  • Àëåêñååâà // Ïñèpersonality development / V.G. Alekseeva // Psychological õîë.

  • Ñîö3àëüíèé 3íòåëåêò – öå 3íòåãðàëüíà 3íòåëåêòóàëüíà çä3áí3ñòü, ÿêà âèçíà÷ào óñï3øí3ñòü ñï3ëêóâàííÿ 3 ñîö3àëüíî¿ àäàïòàö3¿.

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Àëåêñååâà // Ïñèpersonality development / V.G. Alekseeva // Psychological õîë. Ñîö3àëüíèé 3íòåëåêò – öå 3íòåãðàëüíà 3íòåëåêòóàëüíà çä3áí3ñòü, ÿêà âèçíà÷ào óñï3øí3ñòü ñï3ëêóâàííÿ 3 ñîö3àëüíî¿ àäàïòàö3¿.

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