
Introduction: The realities of our country today require Ukraine to shift the strategic benchmarks to the development zone and to support a favorable socio-economic environment for the implementation of the labor potential of vulnerable segments of the population, in particular demobilized participants from the combat zone. The labor potential of this category of the population can be effectively realized only under the condition of proper state support and socio-economic assistance. Moreover, promoting the development of small and medium enterprises among this category of people can become a powerful tool not only for social adaptation to peaceful life, but also to produce economic and social effects both at the level of our state and abroad.Hypothesis of scientific research. It is anticipated that the symbiosis of a two-factor combination of social innovation in entrepreneurship and education will allow developing an effective tool for the adaptation of socially unprotected segments of the population, including troops demobilized from the ATO zone, based on the diagnosis of requests and needs of integrators (forced migrants, combatants, combatants' families).The purpose of the article is to develop the theoretical framework for substantiating the effective algorithm of adaptation of servicemen demobilized from the ATO zone on the basis of a synergistic combination of social innovation in entrepreneurship and education.Methods of research: method of expert survey – for diagnostics of requests and needs of integrators (forced migrants, combatants, families of combatants); the method of system analysis and logical generalization – to substantiate and determine the role of symbiosis of social innovations in entrepreneurship and education for demobilized from the ATO zone; the method of critical thinking – to distinguish the prerequisites for the development and prospects of implementing social innovations in the field of entrepreneurship and education; GET TEST method for assembling business profiles; cluster analysis – for the distribution of future entrepreneurs by the level of development of entrepreneurial characteristics.Results: the experience of the international community regarding the implementation of the support system for servicemen demobilized from the ATO zone on the basis of social innovations has been analyzed; the role of the symbiosis of social innovations in the field of entrepreneurship and education for the development of their own business is determined; the results of diagnostics of requests and needs of integrators are presented, and based on their basis an algorithm of adaptation of servicemen demobilized from the ATO zone on the basis of a synergistic combination of social innovation in entrepreneurship and education is developed.Conclusions: the development of theoretical positions on the substantiation of the effective algorithm of adaptation of servicemen demobilized from the ATO zone on the basis of a synergistic combination of social innovation in entrepreneurship and education provided an opportunity to comprehensively approach the solution of the urgent issue of promoting the development of small and medium entrepreneurship among servicemen demobilized from the ATO zone.

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