
The paper deals with the analysis of one of the most important and always relevant social phenomena called social inequality, which is viewed through the prism of youth ideas about the forms of its manifestation and features. +e authors present the results of a sociological study aimed at identifying the attitude of modern Russian youth to the problem of social inequality in general, as well as the diversification of its forms in the modern world and in Russia. +e study was conducted in 2020 by professors of the Sociological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University under the direction of Doctor of Sociological Sciences Professor N.G. Osipova and Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor S.O. Elishev with the financial support of the RFBR, within the framework of the project No. 18-011-01106 “New forms of social inequality and the peculiarities of their manifestation in modern Russia”. In the course of the study in the summer of 2020, 628 young people (aged 16 to 30) from different regions of Russia were interviewed using the online questionnaire survey method. +e distribution of respondents by gender and occupation corresponds to the parameters of graduates of humanitarian universities. 28% of young people surveyed were males, and 72% were females. 9% of the respondents were young people aged 20 to 24 years, 24,84% — from 16 to 19 years old, 12,26% — from 25 to 30 years old. +e research methodology (which is based on the questionnaire) was in many ways similar to the methodology used by the authors in 2019 to analyze the value orientations and perceptions of student youth in Moscow universities. +is methodology was supplemented with new blocks of questions related to the peculiarities and specifics of the manifestation in Russia of such relatively new forms of social inequality as digital divide and inequality in health. +e questions to which the answers were received were of both general and specific nature and, in general, reflected the key trends in the attitude of young people to the problem of social inequality in the conditions of the complex social situation that developed in 2020 in all respects. A detailed analysis of the answers to the questions presented in the questionnaire showed that, although social inequality is recognized by modern Russian youth as an urgent social problem, it does not occupy a key place among the topical problems for Russian youth.


  • Эта методика была дополнена новыми блоками вопросов, связанных с особенностями и спецификой проявления в России таких относительно новых форм социального неравенства, как неравенство цифровое и неравенство в отношении здоровья

  • E research methodology was in many ways similar to the methodology used by the authors in 2019 to analyze the value orientations and perceptions of student youth in Moscow universities. is methodology was supplemented with new blocks of questions related to the peculiarities and speci cs of the manifestation in Russia of such relatively new forms of social inequality as digital divide and inequality in health. e questions to which the answers were received were of both general and speci c nature and, in general, re ected the key trends in the attitude of young people to the problem of social inequality in the conditions of the complex social situation that developed in 2020 in all respects

  • A detailed analysis of the answers to the questions presented in the questionnaire showed that, social inequality is recognized by modern Russian youth as an urgent social problem, it does not occupy a key place among the topical problems for Russian youth

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СОЦИАЛЬНОЕ НЕРАВЕНСТВО И МОЛОДЕЖЬ: КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ ТРЕНДЫ 2020 г.* Н.Г. Осипова, докт. социол. наук, проф., проф. кафедры современной социологии, декан социологического факультета МГУ имени М.В. На которые были получены ответы, носили как общий, так и частный характер и в целом отражали ключевые тренды отношений молодежи к проблеме социального неравенства в условиях во всех отношениях сложной социальной ситуации, сложившейся в 2020 г. E questions to which the answers were received were of both general and speci c nature and, in general, re ected the key trends in the attitude of young people to the problem of social inequality in the conditions of the complex social situation that developed in 2020 in all respects. Изучению представлений современной российской молодежи о сущности и особенностях проявления экономического неравенства как о ведущей форме социального неравенства в рамках проведенного исследования был посвящен блок вопросов, позволяющих определить характер отношения к нему со стороны молодых людей. На вопрос анкеты “Как Вы относитесь к бедным людям?” 88,9% молодых людей ответили, что они относятся к бедным людям нейтрально, 8,1% — положительно и только 3% — отрицательно (рис. 1)

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ϮϬ ϭϯΘρ ϭρ Θϳς ρ
Ϭϭςй ρϭϬй
Как Вы оцениваете свои возможности по поддержанию и сохранению своего здоровья?
ϬϯϮй ϯϬϯй
ϮκϬκй ϯϳϳκй
Почему Вы используете платные медицинские услуги?
ϮϬϮϮй ϭρϬϬй ϭϬϬϬй ρϬϬй ϬϬϬй ϳΘϬй
Как часто Вы используете Интернет?
Негативные последствия активного внедрения цифровых технологий
Существует ли в России цифровой разрыв?
Ϯϭϯκй ϭϬϬϬй ϬϬϬй
Для социального взаимодействия εϬϬϬй ΘϬϬϬй ϳϳϬϳй
ϮϬΘςй ϭρϬϬй
ϮϭρϬй ϭϯϯΘй
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