
In recent years, the importance of non-financial reports on the sustainable development of corporate entities that carry out socially significant activities in a country, region, or city has increased. International non-governmental organizations have developed standards for them, which form recommendations for improving their social responsibility. According to the standards, corporations should disclose in their reports information about their activities in the context of economy, ecology, and social sphere. The article analyzes current reports on sustainable development of large domestic companies engaged in exploration and production of hydrocarbons. The choice of this sector of the economy was not accidental, since these companies, through their activities, harm the environment, and their employees work in quite difficult and dangerous conditions. It is concluded that sustainability reports are not always complete, in particular, problematic aspects related to the social sphere of the company are at least partially omitted. In this regard, there is a need to introduce uniform regulatory requirements for disclosure of information on the social performance of an organization. At the same time, it is necessary to fix not only the content part, as a minimum, which should be described in the reports, but also to provide for the forms of such reports.

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