
To stimulate and awakening the interest of students of high school or elementary public schools in research and science through scientific initiation stages in the Postgraduate Program in Translational Surgery. To stimulate and awakening the interest of students of high school or elementary public schools in research and science through scientific initiation stages in the Postgraduate Program in Translational Surgery. The target audience for the development of scientific activities were students enrolled in mid-level course (second year initially) and have approval of their participation in this project by the school and by legal guardians. The inclusion criteria were: physical proximity to the higher education institution, signing the consent form by the legal responsible for the students, and for the board of the school unit and the researcher. Initially, students performed diagnostic evaluation about the prior knowledge of biology, science and scientific research. From there, the classes were prepared based on the result of this test, then started the activities of Junior Scientific Initiation in basic education. The school chosen for this initial phase of the pilot project was the State School Rui Bloem which has 13 classrooms for the second year of medium education in a total of 390 students. Of these, 160 (41%) were interested but only 16 (10%) were eligible to start the pilot project in Translational Surgery Laboratory of Unifesp. These students showed average yield of 50% in diagnostic test and should start the next training in cell and molecular biology laboratory and also to attend scientific meetings. In the initial phase of the project, was observed the great student interest in scientific career, but at the same time, a great need for improvement. The choice of public school was for access to university and proximity. In addition, these students have more shortcomings and deficiencies. But this does not mean that the fascination for scientific career cannot turn them into great researchers thus contributing to the economic, social and intellectual growth of our country through scientific research. Estimular e despertar o interesse dos alunos do ensino médio ou fundamental de escolas públicas na pesquisa e na ciência por meio de estágios de Iniciação Científica Junior no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia Translacional da Unifesp. O público alvo para o desenvolvimento das atividades científicas foram alunos regularmente matriculados em curso de nível médio (segundos anos inicialmente) e que tivessem aprovação de sua participação pela direção da escola e responsáveis legais. Quanto aos critérios de inclusão: proximidade física com a instituição de ensino superior, assinatura do termo de consentimento pelos responsáveis dos alunos, pela diretoria da unidade escolar e pelo pesquisador. Inicialmente, os alunos realizaram avaliação diagnóstica acerca dos conhecimentos prévios de biologia, ciências e pesquisa científica. A partir daí as aulas eram elaboradas com base no resultado deste teste, para então iniciar as atividades de Iniciação Científica Junior. A escola escolhida para esta fase inicial do projeto piloto foi a Escola Estadual Rui Bloem que possui 13 salas de aula para o segundo ano do ensino médio com total de 390 alunos. Destes, 160 (41%) apresentaram-se interessados; porém, somente 16 (10%) foram elegíveis para iniciar o projeto piloto no Laboratório de Cirurgia Translacional da Unifesp. Estes alunos apresentaram rendimento médio de 50% na prova diagnóstica e deverão iniciar os próximos treinamentos no Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular e também a frequentar as reuniões científicas. Nesta fase inicial houve interesse dos alunos do ensino médio e o projeto piloto apresentado estimulou e despertou interesse dos alunos de escola pública na pesquisa e na ciência. A escolha de uma escola pública foi para o acesso à universidade e proximidade. Além disso, esses alunos têm mais carências e deficiências. Mas isso não significa que o fascínio pela carreira científica não pode transformá-los em grandes pesquisadores, contribuindo assim para o crescimento econômico, social e intelectual do nosso país através da pesquisa científica.


  • Brazil has made significant improvements over the past decade, with the substantial drop in illiteracy rate and at the same time, regular increase in average education and attendance (IBGE, 2013), the situation is still not satisfactory

  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria The target audience for the development of scientific activities of the pilot project (Figure 1) were students enrolled in the second year of high-level course of public school and who had approved their participation in this project by the school

  • With the initial results of this pilot project we can conclude that the students of the second year of high school were interested in attending research laboratory and the participation of the research project

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Brazil has made significant improvements over the past decade, with the substantial drop in illiteracy rate (around 2%) and at the same time, regular increase in average education (school enrollment) and attendance (IBGE, 2013), the situation is still not satisfactory. It is the 6th largest economy in the world and has 14 million illiterates (8.3% of the population) (IBGE, 2013). Innovation studies have indicated, systematically, the importance of the higher education system and the graduate to technological innovation. The quality of Brazilian basic education is in worrying level

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