
Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si addresses the socio-economic implications of environmental degradation and advocates for transformative action to address the interconnected crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and social injustice. This abstract presents a synthesis of the encyclical’s key themes and proposes a manifesto of action inspired by its call to care for our common home. This work underscores the intrinsic link between social and ecological concerns, highlighting how environmental degradation disproportionately impacts the poor and marginalized. The encyclical critiques the dominant paradigm of consumerism and unlimited growth, which prioritizes profit over people and perpetuates patterns of exploitation and inequality. Pope Francis calls for a radical shift in values and priorities, advocating for an integral ecology that recognizes the interdependence of all living beings and promotes the common good. Often regarded as a manifesto of action, Laudato Si proposes concrete steps to address the root causes of environmental degradation and social injustice. It calls for the implementation of policies that promote ecological integrity, equitable distribution of resources, and inclusive decision-making processes. It urges businesses to adopt sustainable practices and prioritize the well-being of workers and communities over short-term profits. It calls on individuals to reduce their ecological footprint, support sustainable alternatives, and advocate for systemic change

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