
This article review contains critical and constructive analysis on different literatures that determined the contribution of Social Environments on students’ learning of Geography as a Social Studies Discipline in rely with the Functionalist Theory of Emile Durkheim and Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura. With a qualitative approach as article review design, the proponent utilized the documentary analysis (involves repeated review, examination, and interpretation of the data in order to gain meaning and empirical knowledge) of the construct being studied on the deciphered research journal articles from different peer-reviewed journals from the Google Scholar. The review disclosed that there is a significant relationship between Social Environments (family, school, peers and community) and students’ academic performance in Geography as part of the Social Studies curriculum was drawn. In accordance to, the Functionalist Theory and Social Learning Theory are reliable assumptions in regards to the contribution of Social Environments on students’ learning of Geographical knowledge and skills.

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