
The Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is a conditional cash transfer for poor families for accessibility to education, health and social welfare services. So that PKH plays a role in social, environmental and economic sustainability. This study aims to find a social entrepreneurship model for the beneficiaries or the so-called Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) towards sustainable development. This model will be expanded by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia into a national program. Data collection was conducted in July 2020. The method used was qualitative. The research location was determined purposively based on certain characteristics, namely rural areas (West Bandung and Garut), urban areas (Serang and Pekalongan) and coastal areas (Cilacap and Subang). This study reveals three important problems, namely business journey, the parties involved and the social entrepreneurship model aimed at sustainable development. The results showed that the KPM PKH business journey went through a process and was not immediately successful. Parties involved in the business journey include family, local government, PKH facilitators, financial institutions, and local customers. The business models developed in the research area include business incubation, mentoring, online marketing, joint business groups and nurseries.

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