
It is indicated that in the conditions of war there is a rethinking of universal human values, the foundations of statehood, the search for national identity, and the formation of the nation’s psychology. At the same time, the formation and evolution of new legal institutions, in particular social entrepreneurship, is taking place. Given the urgency of solving acute social problemsand creating additional guarantees regarding the right to an adequate standard of living, there is a need for quick response to changes occurring in society and business adaptation to the specified legal metamorphoses. That is why the article is devoted to the consideration of the historical genesis of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The article analyzes the reasons for the impossibility of implementing social entrepreneurship in the 20th century, in particular due to the communist order and peculiarities of state formation under totalitarianism.
 It is noted that the term “social business” was first used by Nobel laureate M. Yunus. According to M. Yunus, social business is an enterprise that benefits a significant part of society. Among the seven principles of social business described by Yunus, it is possible to highlight the f ight against poverty, return of investments without dividends, environmental awareness and improvement of working conditions. According to Yunus, social business should be the leading model of future capitalism with a human face. Grameen Bank, founded by M. Yunus himself, can be called an example of a social business. The main features of social entrepreneurship are outlined as an effective mechanism for ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of the socially vulnerable population.The importance of social entrepreneurship in modern Ukrainian state-building is substantiated through the prism of the need for responsibility of entrepreneurs, the introduction of new models of value orientations in business, and the focus on overcoming the consequences of the aggression of the terrorist country russia.In the course of the research, we come to the conclusion that social entrepreneurship can symbolize the departure of Ukrainian society from collectivism and the transition to individualism, where legal entities and natural personsentrepreneurs, through their activities on their own initiative, create decent conditions for the life of socially vulnerable segments of the population.

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